A 32-year-old woman was referred to the clinic from maxillofacial surgery. She had presented there with a wart on her tongue. At the time of her visit to the clinic three weeks later she had developed an ulcer on her vulva. This had been present for over a week and was painful. This photograph shows two distinct ulcers.
What is the differential diagnosis?
On further questioning she revealed that she had visited her family practitioner a few times with vaginal discharge and feeling sore. She had been given treatment for candida but had not been examined. She thought she may have had ulcers on her vulva on two previous occasions, the first time three years previously.
She had lost some weight and more recently had developed night sweats.
She had been married for eight years and had only ever had one sexual partner, her husband. They were both originally from Rwanda. They had moved to the UK as asylum seekers and at that time she was pregnant. She had declined antenatal testing for HIV. Her son had been born healthy but had subsequently developed autistic behaviour.
After discussion with her husband she agreed to have an HIV test which was positive. At the time of diagnosis her:
She was commenced on Aciclovir 400mg x5 per day for 5 days. The ulcers healed in 10 days. She was subsequently prescribed aciclovir 400mg bd as HSV suppression for 6 months.
With persistent or recurrent infection, do an HIV test.